Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (TTWO)

United States
Electronic Gaming & Multimedia Industry
Conversion rate approx

Company Info


Today's Low Today's High
195.97 212.88
52W Low 52W High
135.24 212.88
Open 198.02
Prev. Close 183.08
Volume 6,752,818
Current Price 208.77
Dividend Rate
Dividend Yield

Financial Metrics

Market Cap: 36,847,071,232
ROE: -0.50913
P/E Ratio (TTM):
EPS (TTM): -21.38
P/B Ratio: 6.2912855
Dividend Yield:
Industry: Electronic Gaming & Multimedia
Book Value: 33.184
Debt to Equity: 70.922
Face Value: N/A

Company Information

Name: Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
Industry: Electronic Gaming & Multimedia
Sector: Communication Services
Employees: 12,371
Phone: 646 536 2842
Address: 110 West 44th Street, , New York, NY 10036


Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. develops, publishes, and markets interactive entertainment solutions for consumers worldwide. It develops and publishes action/adventure products under the Grand Theft Auto, LA Noire, Max Payne, Midnight Club, and Red Dead Redemption names, as well as other franchises. The company also publishes various entertainment properties across various platforms and a range of genres, such as shooter, action, role-playing, strategy, sports, and family/casual entertainment under the BioShock, Mafia, Sid Meier's Civilization, XCOM series, Borderlands, and Tiny Tina's Wonderland names. In addition, it publishes sports simulation titles comprising NBA 2K series, a basketball video game; the WWE 2K professional wrestling series; mobile titles, including WWE SuperCard; and PGA TOUR 2K. Further, the company offers Kerbal Space Program and OlliOlli World; free-to-play mobile games, such as CSR Racing, Dragon City, Empires & Puzzles, FarmVille, Golf Rival, Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, Match Factory!, Merge Dragons!, Merge Magic!, Monster Legends, Toon Blast, Top Eleven, Top Troops, Toy Blast, Two Dots, Words With Friends, and Zynga Poker; and hyper-casual mobile titles, including Fill the Fridge!, Parking Jam 3D, Power Slap, Pull the Pin, Twisted Tangle, and Tangled Snakes. Its products are designed for console gaming systems; personal computers; and mobiles comprising smartphones and tablets. The company provides its products through physical retail, digital download, online platforms, and cloud streaming services. Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. was incorporated in 1993 and is based in New York, New York.

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