Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. (COKE)

United States
Beverages - Non-Alcoholic Industry
Conversion rate approx

Company Info


Today's Low Today's High
1367.5 1421
52W Low 52W High
800.76 1438.5
Open 1372.5
Prev. Close 1371.57
Volume 33,431
Current Price 1402.42
Dividend Rate 10
Dividend Yield 0.0070999996

Financial Metrics

Market Cap: 12,286,153,728
ROE: 0.37733
P/E Ratio (TTM): 24.330673
EPS (TTM): 57.64
P/B Ratio: 9.561281
Dividend Yield: 0.0070999996
Industry: Beverages - Non-Alcoholic
Book Value: 146.677
Debt to Equity: 147.833
Face Value: N/A

Company Information

Name: Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc.
Industry: Beverages - Non-Alcoholic
Sector: Consumer Defensive
Employees: 15,000
Phone: 980 392 8298
Address: 4100 Coca-Cola Plaza, , Charlotte, NC 28211


Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, manufactures, markets, and distributes nonalcoholic beverages primarily products of The Coca-Cola Company in the United States. The company offers sparkling beverages; and still beverages, including energy products, as well as noncarbonated beverages comprising bottled water, ready to drink coffee and tea, enhanced water, juices, and sports drinks. It also sells its products to other Coca-Cola bottlers; and post-mix products that are dispensed through equipment, which mixes the fountain syrups with carbonated or still water enabling fountain retailers to sell finished products to consumers in cups or glasses. In addition, the company manufactures and distributes various other beverage brands that include Dr Pepper and Monster Energy. It sells and distributes its products directly to grocery stores, mass merchandise stores, club stores, convenience stores, and drug stores; and restaurants, schools, amusement parks, and recreational facilities, as well as through vending machine outlets. The company was formerly known as Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated and changed its name to Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. in January 2019. Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. was incorporated in 1980 and is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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