First Citizens BancShares, Inc. (FCNCA)

United States
Banks - Regional Industry
Conversion rate approx

Company Info


Today's Low Today's High
2153.66 2195.6543
52W Low 52W High
1460.76 2412.93
Open 2195.6543
Prev. Close 2218.4
Volume 58,294
Current Price 2154.57
Dividend Rate 7.8
Dividend Yield 0.0034999999

Financial Metrics

Market Cap: 29,199,165,440
ROE: 0.11991
P/E Ratio (TTM): 11.376367
EPS (TTM): 189.39
P/B Ratio: 1.391994
Dividend Yield: 0.0034999999
Industry: Banks - Regional
Book Value: 1547.83
Debt to Equity:
Face Value: N/A

Company Information

Name: First Citizens BancShares, Inc.
Industry: Banks - Regional
Sector: Financial Services
Employees: 15,715
Phone: 919 716 7000
Address: 4300 Six Forks Road, , Raleigh, NC 27609


First Citizens BancShares, Inc. operates as the holding company for First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company that provides retail and commercial banking services to individuals, businesses, and professionals. The company's deposit products include checking, savings, money market, and time deposit accounts. Its loan product portfolio comprises commercial construction and mortgage; and commercial and industrial leases, as well as small business administration loans. In addition, the company offers consumer loans, such as residential and revolving mortgage, consumer auto, and other consumer loans. Further, it provides wealth management services, including annuities, brokerage services, and third-party mutual funds, as well as investment management and advisory services. The company provides its products and services through its branch network. First Citizens BancShares, Inc. was founded in 1898 and is headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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