, Inc. (AMZN)

United States
Internet Retail Industry
Conversion rate approx

Company Info


Today's Low Today's High
229.2 233.915
52W Low 52W High
151.61 242.52
Open 230.545
Prev. Close 229.15
Volume 35,346,810
Current Price 233.14
Dividend Rate
Dividend Yield

Financial Metrics

Market Cap: 2,470,747,570,176
ROE: 0.22558
P/E Ratio (TTM): 42.15913
EPS (TTM): 5.53
P/B Ratio: 9.456094
Dividend Yield:
Industry: Internet Retail
Book Value: 24.655
Debt to Equity: 61.175
Face Value: N/A

Company Information

Name:, Inc.
Industry: Internet Retail
Sector: Consumer Cyclical
Employees: 1,551,000
Phone: 206 266 1000
Address: 410 Terry Avenue North, , Seattle, WA 98109-5210

About, Inc. engages in the retail sale of consumer products, advertising, and subscriptions service through online and physical stores in North America and internationally. The company operates through three segments: North America, International, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). It also manufactures and sells electronic devices, including Kindle, Fire tablets, Fire TVs, Echo, Ring, Blink, and eero; and develops and produces media content. In addition, the company offers programs that enable sellers to sell their products in its stores; and programs that allow authors, independent publishers, musicians, filmmakers, Twitch streamers, skill and app developers, and others to publish and sell content. Further, it provides compute, storage, database, analytics, machine learning, and other services, as well as advertising services through programs, such as sponsored ads, display, and video advertising. Additionally, the company offers Amazon Prime, a membership program. The company's products offered through its stores include merchandise and content purchased for resale and products offered by third-party sellers. It serves consumers, sellers, developers, enterprises, content creators, advertisers, and employees., Inc. was incorporated in 1994 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

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