Cyngn Inc. (CYN)

United States
Software - Application Industry
Conversion rate approx

Company Info


Today's Low Today's High
0.081 0.197
52W Low 52W High
0.057 25.9
Open 0.0885
Prev. Close 0.0602
Volume 2,048,980,656
Current Price 0.1847
Dividend Rate
Dividend Yield

Financial Metrics

Market Cap: 3,971,825
ROE: -1.9131501
P/E Ratio (TTM):
EPS (TTM): -29.23
P/B Ratio: 0.011249162
Dividend Yield:
Industry: Software - Application
Book Value: 16.419
Debt to Equity: 7.124
Face Value: N/A

Company Information

Name: Cyngn Inc.
Industry: Software - Application
Sector: Technology
Employees: 81
Phone: 650 924 5905
Address: 1015 O’Brien Drive, , Menlo Park, CA 94025


Cyngn Inc., an autonomous vehicle (AV) technology company, develops autonomous driving software. It develops Enterprise Autonomy Suite, which consists of DriveMod, a modular industrial vehicle autonomous driving software; Cyngn Insight, a customer-facing tool suite for monitoring and managing AV fleets and generating/aggregating/analyzing data; and Cyngn Evolve, an internal tool suite and infrastructure that facilitates artificial intelligence and machine learning training to enhance algorithms and models, and provides a simulation framework to ensure that data collected in the field can be applied to validating new releases. The company was incorporated in 2013 and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California.

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