NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA)

United States
Semiconductors Industry
Conversion rate approx

Company Info


Today's Low Today's High
127.6 130.37
52W Low 52W High
66.248 153.13
Open 129.16
Prev. Close 128.68
Volume 226,819,095
Current Price 129.84
Dividend Rate 0.04
Dividend Yield 0.00029999999

Financial Metrics

Market Cap: 3,179,781,554,176
ROE: 1.23767
P/E Ratio (TTM): 51.320156
EPS (TTM): 2.53
P/B Ratio: 74.44954
Dividend Yield: 0.00029999999
Industry: Semiconductors
Book Value: 1.744
Debt to Equity: 17.221
Face Value: N/A

Company Information

Name: NVIDIA Corporation
Industry: Semiconductors
Sector: Technology
Employees: 29,600
Phone: 408 486 2000
Address: 2788 San Tomas Expressway, , Santa Clara, CA 95051


NVIDIA Corporation provides graphics and compute and networking solutions in the United States, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and internationally. The Graphics segment offers GeForce GPUs for gaming and PCs, the GeForce NOW game streaming service and related infrastructure, and solutions for gaming platforms; Quadro/NVIDIA RTX GPUs for enterprise workstation graphics; virtual GPU or vGPU software for cloud-based visual and virtual computing; automotive platforms for infotainment systems; and Omniverse software for building and operating metaverse and 3D internet applications. The Compute & Networking segment comprises Data Center computing platforms and end-to-end networking platforms, including Quantum for InfiniBand and Spectrum for Ethernet; NVIDIA DRIVE automated-driving platform and automotive development agreements; Jetson robotics and other embedded platforms; NVIDIA AI Enterprise and other software; and DGX Cloud software and services. The company's products are used in gaming, professional visualization, data center, and automotive markets. It sells its products to original equipment manufacturers, original device manufacturers, system integrators and distributors, independent software vendors, cloud service providers, consumer internet companies, add-in board manufacturers, distributors, automotive manufacturers and tier-1 automotive suppliers, and other ecosystem participants. NVIDIA Corporation was incorporated in 1993 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.

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