Algorhythm Holdings, Inc. (RIME)

United States
Consumer Electronics Industry
Conversion rate approx

Company Info


Today's Low Today's High
0.0166 0.0201
52W Low 52W High
0.0166 394
Open 0.0199
Prev. Close 0.0213
Volume 242,794,303
Current Price 0.017
Dividend Rate
Dividend Yield

Financial Metrics

Market Cap: 8,004
P/E Ratio (TTM):
EPS (TTM): -6.74
P/B Ratio: 0.014394581
Dividend Yield:
Industry: Consumer Electronics
Book Value: 1.181
Debt to Equity:
Face Value: N/A

Company Information

Name: Algorhythm Holdings, Inc.
Industry: Consumer Electronics
Sector: Technology
Employees: 27
Phone: 954 596 1000
Address: 6301 NW 5th Way, Suite 2900, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309


Algorhythm Holdings, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the development, marketing, and sale of consumer karaoke audio equipment, accessories, and musical recordings in North America, Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe, and internationally. It offers karaoke products under the Singing Machine brand; licensed karaoke microphone products under the Carpool Karaoke brand; microphone and accessories, and portable Bluetooth microphones under the Party Machine brand; music entertainment singing machines for children under the brand Singing Machine Kids; connected vehicle karaoke devices; and karaoke music subscription services for the iOS and Android platforms, as well as a web-based download store and integrated streaming services for hardware. The company primarily sells its products to retailers, including national chains, warehouse clubs, department stores, lifestyle merchants, specialty stores, and direct mail catalogs and showrooms. The company was formerly known as The Singing Machine Company, Inc. and changed its name to Algorhythm Holdings, Inc. in September 2024. Algorhythm Holdings, Inc. was incorporated in 1982 and is headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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