Daylight Saving Time 2025: States Push for Permanent Change Amid Health Concerns

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3 min read
Daylight saving time is this week — 3 tips to ease into it so you don't ruin your sleep

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The start of Daylight Saving Time (DST) is just around the corner, with clocks set to "spring forward" on Sunday, March 9, 2025, at 2 a.m. While most states will observe the time change, some are pushing for a permanent switch to DST, citing health concerns and energy savings. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 mandates that states follow DST, but it allows them to opt out and exempt themselves from the practice of staying on standard time year-round. However, it does not permit states to permanently establish DST without congressional approval.

Many states have passed measures to stay on DST permanently, with at least 20 states passing legislation or resolutions supporting year-round DST, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Some states, like Florida and California, have introduced bills to observe DST year-round, while others, like Arizona and Hawaii, do not observe DST at all. The health concerns associated with the time change, including increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events, mood disorders, and motor vehicle crashes, have led some states to reconsider their DST policies. Additionally, the energy savings from DST have been called into question, with some studies showing that the energy savings are negligible.

The retail industry is a major supporter of DST, believing that longer daylight hours in the afternoon and evening encourage people to stay out and shop more. However, the increasing percentage of online purchases reduces the impact of additional daylight hours in the evening. Marketers should be aware of the effects of DST on customer behavior, as the time change can lead to increased fatigue and impulsivity. A study found that customers fatigued by the loss of an hour of sleep are more likely to make impulse buys, which could be beneficial for businesses that offer immediate gratification products.

Some states have introduced bills to exempt themselves from DST or to observe standard time year-round. For example, a bill was introduced in the Idaho legislature to rid the state of DST altogether, while a bill in the Nevada Senate aims to exempt the state from DST and force standard time year-round. Other states, like Texas and New York, have introduced measures to make DST permanent year-round. The Sunshine Protection Act, which would make DST permanent, has been introduced in Congress but has yet to be passed.

As the debate over DST continues, it is essential to consider the potential impact on various stakeholders, including businesses, consumers, and the environment. While some argue that DST has benefits, such as increased energy savings and economic growth, others point to the negative effects on health and productivity. Ultimately, the decision to adopt permanent DST will depend on the actions of Congress and the individual states. In the meantime, marketers and businesses can prepare for the potential effects of DST on customer behavior and adjust their strategies accordingly.

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