Recognizing Gaslighting Behavior in Relationships and Public Life

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4 min read
Young man and woman, standing face to face, pensive expressions.

Image credits: Eugenio Marongiu | Connect Images | Getty Images

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation where a person is misled into doubting their own perceptions, memories, or sanity. This behavior can be particularly damaging in romantic relationships, where it can undermine an individual's confidence and self-trust. According to dating coach Grace Lee, gaslighting is "so awful because it really undermines the relationship we have with ourselves." It leads to questioning one's own judgment and the accuracy of one's interpretations of events. Gaslighting can also be observed in public life, such as in the case of former President Biden, where a former White House official claimed that colleagues "gaslit" the public and journalists about the president's age and cognitive abilities.

Identifying gaslighting behavior early on is crucial. Phrases that should raise red flags include those that make a person question their emotional response, such as "That's not the way I meant it" or "You're being sensitive." These phrases are intended to make the victim doubt their feelings and perceptions. Another tactic is to downplay the harm caused by one's actions, saying something like "In the grand scheme of things, this isn't a big deal." This behavior is meant to control the other person and make them more dependent on the gaslighter for reassurance or security. Expressing oneself to a gaslighting partner can start to feel unsafe because they consistently minimize any harm they might have caused. Gaslighting can also involve love bombing, where the perpetrator showers the victim with affection and attention, only to withdraw it later, leaving the victim feeling confused and insecure.

In romantic relationships, gaslighting can be extremely hard to call out, especially in the early stages. The behavior is often intermittent, with the gaslighter alternating between manipulative actions and loving gestures. This makes it very confusing for the victim, who may struggle to understand what is happening. However, there are signs to look out for, such as a partner making a rude comment and then claiming it was for the victim's own benefit. For instance, if a partner makes a negative comment about the victim's eating habits, they might later reframe it as "I was trying to help you" or "I was trying to give you feedback so that other people wouldn't perceive you in a certain way." This kind of behavior is a clear indication of manipulation and should not be ignored.

Gaslighting is not limited to personal relationships; it can also occur in public life. The case of former President Biden is a prime example, where a former White House official admitted that colleagues engaged in gaslighting behavior to downplay concerns about the president's age and cognitive abilities. This involved denying or downplaying data that suggested the president's poll numbers were declining, and attacking left-leaning outlets that reported on these issues. The official claimed that the White House was aware of the president's age being an issue from "day one" but chose to manipulate public perception instead of addressing the concerns. This kind of deception can have serious consequences, eroding trust in public institutions and undermining the integrity of the political process.

To navigate situations where gaslighting might be occurring, it's essential to have a toolkit for handling difficult conversations and conflicts. This can involve focusing on resolving the issue at hand rather than convincing the other person that they are wrong. By being aware of the signs of gaslighting and taking steps to protect oneself, individuals can build healthier relationships and make more informed decisions. It's also crucial to recognize that gaslighting can take many forms, including emotional manipulation, psychological manipulation, and even coercion. By educating oneself about these tactics, individuals can better equip themselves to deal with gaslighting behavior and promote a culture of honesty and respect.

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