Empowering Women and Girls: A Journey Towards Equal Rights and Opportunities

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4 min read
Women's Day 2025

Image credits: TIL Creatives

The fight for equal rights and opportunities for women and girls has been a long and arduous journey, spanning centuries and continents. From the suffragists to digital activists, each generation has pushed boundaries, shattered barriers, and refused to step back. Behind every policy change and legal victory, there have been fearless feminists organizing, protesting, and demanding action. The world today is more equal for women and girls than ever before, but progress is still too slow, too fragile, and too uneven. Every 10 minutes, a woman is murdered by someone in her own family, and women's representation in the labour force has remained unchanged for decades.

Despite these challenges, there have been significant milestones in the journey towards gender equality. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, adopted in 1995, set bold goals for women's rights, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reinforced this commitment with a looming 2030 deadline. The creation of UN Women in 2011 gave the United Nations a strong, unified voice for all women and girls, advancing international standards and coordinating with the entire United Nations system on gender equality. However, there is still much work to be done, and 2025 is a critical year for turning the tide towards true parity.

The opportunities that we continue to miss are not just external barriers, but also our own hesitation to take that first step. In fields like Artificial Intelligence (AI), where the playing field was relatively equal, we still see a gender gap. Women are natural connectors, instinctively knowing how to form relationships, yet when it comes to business networking and collaboration, many of us hesitate. It's time to shift the narrative and focus on lifting each other up, creating stronger professional networks, and driving real opportunities for growth. By acknowledging that we already have these skills and applying them in professional settings, we can start to build the future we want.

As we celebrate International Women's Day 2025, we must reflect on the progress made and the opportunities that still need to be seized. We must stop waiting for others to create opportunities for us and start building them ourselves. We must be the women who take the first step, whether it's learning a new technology, making that business connection, or actively supporting female colleagues. By doing so, we can create a culture of business collaboration and drive real change. The time for action is now, and we must work together to achieve true parity for women and girls worldwide.

In conclusion, the journey towards equal rights and opportunities for women and girls is ongoing, and 2025 is a critical year for turning the tide towards true parity. By acknowledging the progress made, seizing the opportunities that we continue to miss, and working together, we can create a brighter future for all. The time for action is now, and we must be the ones to take the first step. Some of the key events and milestones in the journey towards gender equality include: * 1848: The Seneca Falls Convention in New York, where Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott demand civil, social, and political rights for women * 1863: Sojourner Truth delivers her powerful speech "Ain't I a Woman?" * 1893: New Zealand becomes the first country to grant women the right to vote * 1917: Over 1 million people mark the first International Women's Day by protesting for women's suffrage and labour rights * 1945: The United Nations is founded, and women delegates push to enshrine gender equality in the founding Charter * 1975: The United Nations declares 1975 as International Women's Year and launches the Decade for Women * 1995: The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is adopted * 2011: UN Women is created * 2025: International Women's Day is celebrated with a focus on seizing the opportunities that we continue to miss and working together to achieve true parity for women and girls worldwide.

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