UK Faces Devastating Creon Shortage, Leaving Thousands of Cancer Patients Without Vital Medication

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Sky News screengrab of Creon medication

Image credits: Sky News

The UK is currently facing a severe shortage of Creon, a pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (Pert) that is essential for thousands of cancer patients and individuals with debilitating conditions. The shortage, which has been ongoing for over a year, is predicted to last until 2026, leaving many patients without access to this vital medication. It is estimated that over 61,000 patients in the UK rely on Creon, including those with pancreatic cancer, cystic fibrosis, and chronic pancreatitis.

Patients who are unable to access Creon are experiencing devastating consequences, including weight loss, reduced strength, and a decreased ability to cope with treatment such as chemotherapy. Many patients are being forced to travel long distances to find a pharmacist with supplies, while others are having to take lower doses or alternative medications that are not as effective. The Department of Health and Social Care has stated that it is working closely with the NHS, manufacturers, and others in the supply chain to try to resolve the issues, but so far, the shortage remains a significant problem.

The shortage of Creon is not only affecting patients but also healthcare professionals, who are struggling to manage the situation. The National Pharmacy Association has reported that all of the 500 pharmacies that responded to a survey were unable to dispense a prescription at least once a day due to supply problems, and a large majority said patients came in at least once a day to get medicines they had failed to get elsewhere. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society is calling on the government to adopt a national strategy to manage medicine shortages, while the Cystic Fibrosis Trust has stated that the shortages have caused significant worry and stress for those affected.

Some patients have reported having to obtain Creon from other patients or through unofficial channels, which is not only illegal but also poses a risk to their health. The situation is constantly stressful for those affected, who are worried about their ability to access the medication they need to manage their condition. The government has apologized for the situation and is working to resolve the issue, but for many patients, the shortage of Creon is a matter of life and death.

In terms of the timeline of events, the shortage of Creon began over a year ago and is predicted to last until 2026. The key stakeholders involved in the issue include the Department of Health and Social Care, the NHS, manufacturers, and patient organizations such as the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Pancreatic Cancer UK. The policy points that need to be addressed include the need for a national strategy to manage medicine shortages, the importance of increasing the supply of Creon, and the need for alternative medications to be made available to patients. Statistical data shows that over 61,000 patients in the UK rely on Creon, and 82% of patients have struggled to obtain their usual Pert prescription on more than one occasion.

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shortage patient creon medication cancer pancreatic vital enzyme cystic fibrosi

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