RPSC RAS Pre Result 2024 Released: Check Result and Download PDF

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RPSC RAS Pre Result 2024: आरपीएससी ने जारी किया RAS प्री का रिजल्ट, देखें सफल अभ्यर्थियों की लिस्ट और कट ऑफ

Image credits: NDTV

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released the result of the RAS Pre Exam 2024 on its official website. The exam was held on February 2, 2025, and a total of 3,75,665 candidates appeared for the exam. Out of these, 21,539 candidates have been declared successful and are now eligible to appear for the main exam. The main exam is scheduled to be held on June 17 and 18, 2025, at various exam centers in Rajasthan.

The RPSC has also released a notification regarding the increase in the number of posts for the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Exam 2024. The total number of posts has been increased to 1096, out of which 428 are for state services and 668 are for subordinate services. Candidates can check the result and download the PDF file from the official website by following the steps given below: 1. Visit the official website of RPSC at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. 2. Click on the link for RPSC RAS Pre 2024 Result. 3. The result PDF file will open on the screen. 4. Download the PDF file and open it. 5. Press Ctrl+F and enter your roll number to search for your result. 6. If your roll number is found in the list, it means you have passed the exam. The result can be checked by visiting the official website of RPSC. Candidates are advised to download the PDF file and take a printout of their result for future reference. The main exam is an important step in the selection process, and candidates who have cleared the pre-exam are advised to prepare well for the main exam. The selection process for the RAS exam involves a preliminary exam, main exam, and interview.

The RPSC has also issued a revised letter regarding the increase in the number of posts for the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Exam 2024. The total number of posts has been increased to 1096, out of which 428 are for state services and 668 are for subordinate services. The revised letter has been issued due to the increase in the number of posts, and candidates are advised to check the official website for more information.

Candidates who have appeared for the RAS Pre Exam 2024 can check their result and download the PDF file from the official website. The result has been released on the official website, and candidates can check their result by following the steps given above. The main exam is scheduled to be held on June 17 and 18, 2025, and candidates who have cleared the pre-exam are advised to prepare well for the main exam.

In addition to the result, the RPSC has also released a notification regarding the increase in the number of posts for the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Exam 2024. The total number of posts has been increased to 1096, out of which 428 are for state services and 668 are for subordinate services. Candidates are advised to check the official website for more information regarding the revised letter and the increase in the number of posts.

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